As I look around I see a great stirring within the soils of life, a curiosity emerging as we seek a new way to live and be, an awakening of life’s organic lucidity as the great wheel turns towards coherence. This, coinciding with deep grief, loss, confusion, hopelessness and upwellings of that which is unprocessed within our bodies and souls. The artificial paradigm still moves forward whilst nodes within its bodies unfreeze, awaken and activate into intelligence, skillset’s, visions and embodiments of the new way. Many of us are listening to this imaginal frontier of organic becoming.. Who do we need to be? How do we need to be? Are we dying? Being reborn? Both? An initiation… gently, subtly through our bodies come the guides who have passed before.
We know this story, this story is woven deeply into our ancestral, somatic nature. Rite of passage is inherent to the motions of life on our planet.. The birthing of a newborn, the journey from seed to sprout, the hunt to feed your pack, the flight south for winter, the journey from boy to man, woman to mother, man to father, adolescent to elder. The metamorphing states of embodiment are an ongoing process, each transition holding the proving grounds of initiation as a set of challenges that expand your capacity and stretch your edges to forge you anew with finer senses, skills, abilities, connection and integrity.
Where are we now? A species on planet earth.. Where are we now?...
For thousands of years and up to today, we have endured trauma’s of varying kinds. The compounding effect of all of these traumas have degraded our consciousness and severed our innately connected aliveness & relationship to all aspects of life as a living whole. The result of that is a species living in amnesia and numbness. We, are a species living in severance, amnesia and numbness. This condition of severance, amnesia and numbness has created a global theme of materialism. Our faith is put to the conclusions of modern material science, whether we individually have a scientific understanding or not. The reality is defined as a chaotic particle machine where anything beyond the 5 senses like soul, spirit and subtle energy are imaginary and bares no efficacy in ‘the real world’ Unconscious trauma responses puppeteering through a global theme of materialism has created a paradigm that exploits the natural world, one another and perpetuates traumas in utero, childhood, adolescence and beyond.. until now. Because, now is a time where it can no longer continue, the destruction of our ecosystems are evident and bare consequences we are aware of. The trauma’s in our bodies are degrading our livelihoods to such extent that we are diseased physically, mentally and spiritually. We are at the point of death, this way of life can not continue. The intensity of our ambivalence is a precursor to another time. The serpents eye’s fall back into itself as it sheds that skin and we are cast into the liminal space.
The liminal space, a time between time’s, rich with potential and dense with uncertainty. We are betwixt, between worlds as the old has not fully gone and the new is not clear. From humanity’s current condition of amnesia, severance and trauma we watch the mainstream dream of a future forged from darkness. This mainstream envisions climate collapse, refugee crisis, food shortage and wars. This dark future is not set in stone but for the many whom remain subscribed to materialism and the predictions of its mainstream scientific servants, this is the only route. Materialism and the application of mainstream material science has become a force that reduces the expansive, gnostic aliveness of nature into a quantifiable, material and soulless machine. This relationship with nature exists as an intellectual observation of physical occurrences that ignores the subtle and overrides the emotional. Would we be willing to consider that this relationship itself is a trauma response? If the larger portion of our modern paradigm is built upon this foundation, this system itself would be a matrix of distortion’s. We will need to move beyond this condition and access an organic, living relationship with nature if we are to change trajectory..
We exist in the passageway between death and rebirth and to pass through this initiation there are inner and outer re-calibrations that must be fulfilled. The internal changes to be made are of re-connection, healing, awakening, integration and embodiment and the outer changes are to re-calibrate our infrastructures, social dynamics, cultural values, financial models and systems of governance into cohesion with the natural motions of life. The current governmental bodies, mainstream scientists and politicians no longer know the way. The way can only be known through deep and sincere communion with the organic movements of life.
Initiation is never without its deliberation or intentionality. In many traditions the elders would create the initiatory event for the boys to become men. In this circumstance there are all the wilds and uncertainties of the boys rite of passage, whilst there is a steady hand and loving oversight from the elder’s who passed before. This initiation does not come from the elder’s egoic desire for the boys to be strong. It comes from a deep, somatic awareness of what it takes to step into full accountability and power to take care of your tribe. The initiation is a divine appointment, executed through the humans.
We are a planet transforming and this too is not without its divine intention. Humanity has a role to play and we are going through an initiation to learn our true creative responsibility and power. So the guiding story for our times is that we are Earth at a point of initiation where there is a divine appointment of transformation for our species and planet to evolve into a new way of being. There are natural forces in service of this transformation and simultaneously plenty of forces still at play from the old ways of amnesia, severance, numbness and exploitation. If we can co-create with this divine appointment we can traverse the rite of passage and arrive in the better reality, but that is our choice. Co-creating with this divine transformation is a theme we hear of a lot. New agers singing about a new earth, ascension to 5D and various prophecy’s pointing to this time. The trap many have fallen into is the futurisation of what needs to be done now, and the outsourcing of the actions and responsibilities that can only be fulfilled by the humans. It is OUR initiation after all. We have a lot of support, its true. The Arcturians, Pleiadians, Andromedans, Sirian’s, Angelic’s, Lyrans, Galactic guardians, God’s, Goddesses, Elementals and our Earthly ancestor’s are all here to support us, but its wrong to expect them to pop through the veils and make the changes for us. It is us living in the forest, it is us that has been invited through the passageway into the new earth and it is our bodies, lives and collective relationship with the earth and creation, where the change is taking place. It is for us to heal our bodies of trauma and become a trauma informed civilisation.
It is for us to re-learn the natural medicines of our souls, bodies & nature.
It is for us to raise our children in safety, love, trust, inspiration, connection, wisdom and mastery. It is for us to remember and retrieve our souls.
It is for us to re-awaken our subtle senses and commune again with all of life.
It is for us to reclaim our authority and learn our responsibility. It is for us to move from codependence to interdependent, interbeing.
It is for us to recognise the innate and benevolent, gnostic compass of the heart and use de-centralised governance where each heart center shapes the collective decision.
It is for us to become self-accountable with the reality’s and relationships we live in and make the inner changes to see the outer results.
It is for us to discover a monetary paradigm which enables and supports, rather than exploits and entraps.
It is for us to use naturalistic, regenerative & permacultural foundations in our infrastructures & industries.
It is for us to reinstate a caring, living relationship with the eco-system, climate and earthly resources.
It is for us to integrate our wild, primal drives and develop respectful, non-violent relationship’s.
It is for us to set healthy boundaries and learn to use conflict as a relational healing portal.
It is for us to restore our sacred sexuality, creationality and integrate the erotic in health and wholeness.
It is for us to remember the innate sacredness of life and reinstate the organic temple space where non-dogmatic, natural wholeness & sacredness exists.
It is for us to listen to the innate wisdom of life & nature and recognise the true, gnostic source of intelligence, wisdom and lineage.
It is for us to dream again with the living lucidity of the earth & star’s and move beyond the stasis of a materialistic paradigm.
It is for us to recognise the physics of the earth are not limited to that which we have already defined.
It is for us to remember our full creative potential and live in natural co-creatorship with all of creation.
It is for us to become an advanced civilisation and co-create the new earth.