InNative Flute
Native style Flutes, music and medicine.
Sitting around the sacred fire at the Temple of Nature in the Netherlands, my dear friend Mark spoke of the medicine wheel. He pointed to the center and explained how we can be a clear channel at the center of our life. That we can be like a flute for great spirit to play beautiful music through.
Since that moment I began playing and making these flutes. I carry them through my life as musical instruments, sound healing tools, medicine allies for our personal journey and a teacher for how we can be an embodied creator, a finely tuned instrument and clear channel for our essential energy to manifest & create through our life.
It is an Innate, indigenous birthright for our essential (soul) energy to express freely through our body and life, hence the name, InNative Flute.
InNative Flutes
All of these flutes are made by my hands and heart. You can listen to them on my youtube & soundcloud. (links at bottom of screen) Would you like one made for you? Send
me an email and we will arrange a phone call to focalise the physical aspects, & personal intention of your flute's creation.